Partner With Us!

Infra Advisory Ltd is a group of dedicated project finance specialists who have been at the forefront of completing complex infrastructure advisory and project finance transactions, with a particular focus on the challenging markets in Central and Eastern Europe. Through our Associate Office in Seoul, South Korea we are also bridging the gap to the Asian markets, which makes Infra Advisory Ltd the one Eurasian infrastructure and project finance advisory platform. We work with partners around the globe. If you are interested in partnering and doing business with with us, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to receive your inquiries.

Our Track Record

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Our Offer

Financial Modelling

At Infra Advisory Ltd we know that investors, banks and authorities require robust, reliable, flexible and easily understandable financial models to make key decisions. Our experts build customized models for your specific project following the industry’s best practices. Our models have successfully passed external audits and the closings of many project finance transactions are a testimony of their quality, accuracy and robustness.

Financial Advisory

The experts at Infra Advisory Ltd have been at the forefront of completing complex project finance advisory mandates and transactions in CEE. With clients from both the public and the private sector Infra Advisory Ltd provides advice in respect of all sub-phases of your infrastructure project from the initial idea, throughout the feasibility study and tender to commercial and financial close. Our sector expertise includes infrastructure (airports, road, school, hospital, prison) and power (wind, hydro, photovoltaic, biomass&waste to energy (combined heat and power), conventional coal and power transmission line) as well as broadband internet projects.

Interim Project Management

Our experienced executives are hired by banks, project sponsors and authorities on a project basis to solve problems in situations, where a permanent role is unnecessary or impossible to find on short notice. Such roles include e.g. providing strategic advice, reviewing and opining on transaction structures and key transaction documents and establishing reliable business plans.

About Project Finance

The Debt Service Coverage Ratio

Financial tests, such as the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) test not only is used within credit documentation as a warning mechanism to determine and monitor the project performance and the likelihood for debt repayment. It also is a key metric in order to control and restrict dividends and other distributions to project sponsors. Further, […]

Why Financial Models are important!

A prerequisite for understanding and making business decisions is to understand its financial consequences. For a proper understanding it is necessary to consider alternative options, to analyse various scenarios of key input variables and to perform sensitivity analyses of output data to changes in input data. Financial models are used to explore all such aspects […]

Infrastructure Bonds vs. Project Finance Loans

Recently, there has been a rise in the number of infrastructure bonds issued, largely as a result of the low interest rate environment, the lack of suitable (institutional) investment opportunities, lack of banking licenses of some market participants and regulatory challenges of certain banks. The below tables, on a high level, present a general overview […]

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Advanced Services

Training Programs

We provide beginner as well as advanced courses tailored to your needs. Our Beginner Level Course is right for you if you are at the early stage of your project finance career working for a bank, project developer or sponsor or would like to further strengthen your understanding of project finance particularities in CEE. This course will cover the main concepts of infrastructure financing and will run through the infrastructure financial engineering process on the basis of a real-world financial model. Contact us now!

Fuzzy Logic Theory

Often we are forced to make decisions under conditions of complete or partial uncertainty and often need the help of experts (i.e. their linguistic description of occurrences of risks). Imperfect information and uncertainty are two very important system attributes which add complexity to the planning and development process of risk analysis. Taking into account Fuzzy Logic Theory we provide a useful way to deal with ill-defined and complex problems in decision making by quantifying imprecise information, incorporating vagueness and by making decisions based on imprecise and vague data.

Risk Analysis with Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo Simulation generates random variables for inputs (expected values) given a certain number of constraints. From there the Net Present Value of risks can be calculated. Rather than generating just a few iterations, the simulation repeats the process numerous times. Using the Monte Carlo process the entire range and likelihood of a certain level of project risks can be calculated and displayed. Probability models have become the fundamental basis in risk quantification and assessment.